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Congressional elections

John Mauldin: This Post-Election Stock Market Rally Won't Last

Submitted by John Mauldin via,

I’d like to share an update that throws some chilly water on the post-election stock market rally.

My friends Van Hoisington and Lacy Hunt of Hoisington Investment Management usually write only quarterly letters. They send interim updates only when something of major consequence happens. The fact they wrote this one is significant… and what they say is definitely important.

The Fed WANTS Inflation.

The Fed WANTS Inflation.

The Fed has unleashed inflation.


And it wants more of it.


From mid-2014 until early 2016, commodities as an asset class, collapsed some 45%.



This was an all out bloodbath. But despite this collapse in prices, inflation began to perk up.



Since that time, numerous Fed officials, including Fed Vice-Chair Stanley Fischer have concluded that inflation has arrived and that the Fed wants more of it.


Former Bush Official Laments "We Are The Death Merchants Of The World"

Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

“I think Smedley Butler was onto something,” Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former George W. Bush administration heavyweight, told Salon in an exclusive interview.

Major General Smedley Butler earned the highest rank in the U.S. Marine Corps, accumulating numerous accolades as he helped lead the United States through decades of war. He later became an ardent critic of such militarism and imperialism.
