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...And Now For The Bad News

...And Now For The Bad News

Authored by Simon Black via,

In the late 1760s and early 1770s, the government of France was in a deep panic.

They had recently suffered a disastrous and costly defeat in the Seven Years War, and the national budget was a complete mess.

France had spent most of the previous century as the world’s dominant superpower, and the government budget reflected that status.

Budget Director Mulvaney Admits No Hope "To Balance The Budget This Year"

Budget Director Mulvaney Admits No Hope "To Balance The Budget This Year"

Appearing on Meet the Press earlier this morning with the always condescending, well at least if he's interviewing a Republican guest, Chuck Todd, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Mick Mulvaney, said there's no hope of achieving a balanced budget this year.  Of course, that should hardly come as a surprise to almost anyone other than the suddenly fiscally conservative Chuck Todd. 

In 7th Year Of Austerity, Greek Hospitals Have Become "Danger Zones"

In 7th Year Of Austerity, Greek Hospitals Have Become "Danger Zones"

It is not a secret and it is not new that public hospitals in Greece collapsed. As Keep notes, the first budget cuts imposed with the first bailout agreement affected the public health. Seven years later, the situation goes from bad to worse in fast speed. The austerity freezing of hiring (1:7) ended up in severe shortages in medical and paramedical personnel. The sharp expenditure cuts deprive hospitals of spare parts and essential material.