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Yale Students Love The Idea Of Outlawing Halloween

Authored by Cabot Philips via,

This year at Campus Reform, we’ve reported extensively how college students around the country have increasingly taken offense to Halloween celebrations, often accusing various costumes of being offensive and declaring students who wear them guilty of “cultural appropriation.”

At campuses around America, students have been discouraged from wearing sombreros, ninja outfits, Native American headdresses, or any other costume which assumes a culture one does not represent.

The Origin of Discontent

Via The Daily Bell

America is collapsing on almost every crucial level.

Our great universities, which were once a fortress of reason, are shamelessly responsible by producing men and women hell-bent on destroying our free nation. In the last decade especially, corruption has become so widespread in America that many citizens accept it as the norm.

Goodbye Western Civilization

Goodbye Western Civilization

Paul Craig Roberts

This morning I asked why stop with labeling mathematics the language of white supremacy? Why not science as well?

I was behind the times. A professor at the University of California has written in a journal of feminist theory that science “relies on a colonial and racialized form of power.” The solution to racist science is feminist science that “explicitly unsticks Science from Truth.”

Professor Claims Math, Algebra, And Geometry Promote "White Privilege"

Professor Claims Math, Algebra, And Geometry Promote "White Privilege"

Authored by Ian Miles Cheong via,

A University of Illinois math professor believes that algebra and geometry perpetuate “white privilege” because Greek terms give Caucasians unearned credit for the subject.

But that isn’t the professor’s only complaint. She also believes that evaluations for math proficiency perpetuates discrimination against minority students, if they do worse than their white counterparts.
