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What will it take to close it?: Indian Point Nuke Plant Emergency Shutdown Follows Power Loss

A recent emergency shutdown of one of Indian Point's nuclear reactors, just miles from New York City, highlights the risks the aging plant poses for some 15 million area residents as well as the political power of the nuclear industry to keep such plants operation, writes TCBH! contributor Paul DeRienzo

President Obama Explains How He Just 'Saved' The World From Its Greatest Threat - Live Feed

"Mission Accomplished?" Amid failure after failure for President Obama's 'legacy' policies, Americans can rest assured that the "historic" signing of today's climate accord will be spun in its most positive, "see, I saved the world from its greatest threat" awesomeness, despite, as we detailed earlier, the utter farce of it all. 


World Leaders Just Agreed To A "Historic" Climate Accord... Which Is Non-Binding And Has No Enforcement Language

Great news! The "greatest threat to future generations of the world" has apparently been solved. World leaders Saturday adopted an historic international climate accord in Paris, the first-ever agreement to commit almost every country to fight climate change. However, as we knew all along and just got confirmation, the 31-page pact does not have binding language or a mechanism to force countries to live up to the promises to cut greenhouse gases emissions or provide money for developing and poor nations to cope with the effects of global warming.
