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This Is The Scariest Chart For Angela Merkel

Having won Time's "Person of the Year" award, German chancellor Angela Merkel may have little time, or cause, for celebration.

The reason for that is that, as we noted yesterday when commenting on Donald Trump's snub of Time in which he said that it "picked person who is ruining Germany", is that according to increasingly more Germans, Trump just may be - in his trademark politically incorrect way - right.


War Is On The Horizon: Is It Too Late To Stop It? — Paul Craig Roberts

War Is On The Horizon: Is It Too Late To Stop It?

Paul Craig Roberts

One lesson from military history is that once mobilization for war begins, it takes on a momentum of its own and is uncontrollable.

This might be what is occuring unrecognized before our eyes.

In his September 28 speech at the 70th Anniversity of the United Nations, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Russia can no longer tolerate the state of affairs in the world. Two days later at the invitation of the Syrian government Russia began war against ISIS.

Good-Bye To Western Living Standards — Paul Craig Roberts

Good-Bye To Western Living Standards

Paul Craig Roberts

My column, “Capitalism At Work,” about Greek women being forced into prostitution by banksters and the IMF produced a number of responses from women, who report that austerity is having the same effect all over Europe.

This is from a letter from Portugal:

“Your article ‘Capitalism At Work’ shows absolutely what’s happened here in Portugal. It is common for young women to sell their body to pay the University fees and for food.
