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LA Welfare-Dependent Film Industry

The state of Georgia has built a significant film industry by giving Hollywood studios generous subsidies in the form of tax credits — a program that costs Georgia taxpayers $1 billion a year.  But Georgia governor Nathan Deal earlier this year said he would not seek to repeal the tax credits, claiming that they were an overall economic winner for the state, because they made a lot more money for Georgia than they cost the taxpayer. Does anybody know if that is true?

Teacher Arrested After Kneeing 4-Year-Old With Learning Difficulties

A Georgia pre-kindergarten teacher resigned and got arrested by the police after knocking a 4-year-old boy from behind, crudely dispatching him out of her way. A surveillance video shows the award wining teacher with a 22-year teaching history finding her knee thrust into the back of a 4-year-old special needs boy from behind, who had blocked her path in the school’s hallway. Evening Standard reports: Amelia Stripling, 71, turned herself in to police in the US after CCTV of the incident emerged on Friday, according to the Associated Press.

A Good Night For Everybody

Don’t you love a contest with no losers?

Donald Trump won Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Virginia, and may yet win Vermont. (And, I suppose, Alaska, though at this point I doubt it.) He’s taken a significant lead in the delegate count, and he’ll likely have won a majority of delegates in at least one more state, and possibly as many as three, bringing him closer to the magic number eight that guarantees his name may be placed in nomination at the convention. So he’s a winner!

Trump Is on Track to Dominate Super Tuesday

Trump has led the polling in every state voting today except three (Texas, Arkansas, and Minnesota), and he is very likely to win at least seven of the eight states where he has led. While the delegate allocation in these states is proportional, there are fairly high thresholds in several states (Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas) that require a candidate to get 20% to be awarded any delegates. Other states have thresholds of 10 or 15% (e.g., Massachusetts). In both kinds of states, either Cruz or Rubio has been falling short of these thresholds and may receive nothing.
