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GOP race

Frontrunning: March 2

  • Trump, Clinton capture key wins on Super Tuesday (Reuters)
  • Hillary Clinton Triumphs in Delegate-Rich Super Tuesday States (WSJ)
  • S&P 500 Futures Follow Oil Lower, Erase Gain After Super Tuesday (BBG)
  • Oil below $37 as U.S. inventory rise counters output freeze plan (Reuters)
  • Wall Street's big short: President Donald J. Trump (Reuters)
  • Ex-Chesapeake CEO McClendon Indicted Over Lease Bid Rigging (BBG)
  • Port Sale Highlights Western Australia’s Sinking Fortunes (WSJ)

Rubio Is a Funny Candidate For the “Establishment”

Is there really an establishment, anti-Trump “lane” of any consequence in the GOP race? I’ve been asking that question for some time, for one simple reason: since Trump’s rise, there have been no strong, center-right establishment candidates in the race.

Trump, Cruz and Carson (and Rand Paul) have been generally understood as anti-establishment candidates whom the political class would be unhappy with. The candidates typically classed as “establishment” or “mainstream” from the beginning were: Bush, Christie, Kasich, Walker, Perry – and Rubio.

Accepting The Donald

Yesterday the GOP strategist Patrick Ruffini sent out 19 successive tweets sharing his assessment of the Republican race so far. I hope someone will Storify them so you can all easily read them, but until then, follow the link above. His basic argument is that the GOP race is settling into a pattern. Trump has a hard core of supporters nationally, but he can’t seem to grow beyond it. They are, however, unshakable in their support of him:
