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Ben Swann Exposes CDC Cover-Up Of Vaccines Causing Autism

Journalist Ben Swann has examined claims that the CDC covered up evidence that vaccines cause autism over a decade ago. reports: For over two years, Truth In Media has explored the allegations of Dr. William Thompson, a CDC scientist who came forward in 2014, hired a whistleblower attorney, and claimed that important data regarding a study on vaccines and autism was eliminated.

Cops Terrorise Family After They Speak Out About Vaccine Reaction

An Australian family say that they have been targeted by Police for speaking out against the adverse reactions of vaccines following the paralysis of their new-born son after he received the dTpa vaccine.  After the myriad of serious health problems their son faced following the vaccination, the family decided to speak out publicly to local TV and newspapers, much to the dismay of local authorities in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.

Scientist Demonstrates How Cancer Can Be Destroyed By Frequencies

A scientist has showcased a new type of cancer treatment that uses resonant frequencies to completely destroy different types of cancer cells.  Associate Professor and Director of Music at Skidmore College, Anthony Holland, held a groundbreaking Tedx Talk named “Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies“. He told the audience his dream is to one day see a future where children no longer have to suffer from the toxic effects of cancer drugs or radiation treatment, and says he believes his team may have found the answer.

Study Suggests Aged Garlic Extract Can Slow Plaque Build-Up In Arteries

A research study by the UCLA Medical Center (LA BioMed) suggests aged garlic extract taken as a supplement could reduce the accumulation of certain types of plaque in the arteries and help prevent heart disease. The new study is scheduled for publication in the Journal of Nutrition. Science Daily reports: The research, conducted at LA BioMed, found a reduction in the amount of low-attenuation plaque, or “soft plaque,” in the arteries of patients with metabolic syndrome who took Aged Garlic Extract. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by obesity, hypertension and other cardiac risk factors.

Deadly Swine Flu Outbreak Hits Ukraine

51 people have died as a result of a deadly outbreak of swine flu across Ukraine.  Hospitals in east Ukraine, where 12 people have lost their lives, are saying that they lack the crucial drugs needed to treat patients. reports: Elena Baun, senior doctor at Donetsk hospital: “The supply of medication today is enough in general. The only thing we are short of is anti-virus medication – Tamiflu – which is in drug stores today, but, unfortunately, we do not have it in the hospital.
