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International Monetary Fund

Showdown! In Leaked Letter IMF Tells Germany “Debt Relief For Greece Or IMF Drops Out”

Submitted by Mish Shedlock of MishTalk

Showdown! In Leaked Letter IMF Tells Germany “Debt Relief For Greece Or IMF Drops Out”

It’s showdown time.

The IMF has threatened it will pull out of the Greek bailout program unless Greece gets debt relief.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Austria, Finland, and the other Eurozone creditors will not like today’s development one bit.



Please consider IMF Tells Eurozone to Start Greek Debt Talks.

Greece Fails To Reach Deal With Lenders: Lagarde Flip-Flops, Sees "No Need For Greek Debt Haircut"

Greece was supposed to finalize a deal today with its lenders whereby in exchange for an "agreement" to implement already agreed upon budget cuts it would receive more funds from the Troika. However, as Reuters reports, "there will be no deal between Greece and its lenders on Friday that would unlock loans and enable vital debt relief talks, despite some progress on the reforms Athens must implement in exchange, euro zone and IMF officials said on Friday."
