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Stocks Squeeze Higher On "Super Tuesday" As Poor Macro Is Offset By Jack Lew's Soothing Words

Stocks Squeeze Higher On "Super Tuesday" As Poor Macro Is Offset By Jack Lew's Soothing Words

With markets happy to put February in the history books because it marked the fourth consecutive monthly decline in global stocks, we move on to March 1st, which doubles down as 'Super Tuesday' in the US when Trump's presidential candidacy will almost certainly be sealed and a day in which stocks decided to join the super fun by super surging overnight on nothing but bad global macro and economic which however was promptly ignored and instead the focus was on ongoing central bank intervention and even more jawboning.

Apple Hires Engineer Behind Snowden’s Favorite Secure Chat App

After the recent attempt by the FBI to force Apple to take an iPhone and open it up for inspection (looking for San Bernardino terrorist associates), the Tech giant has hired  Frederic Jacobs, the developer behind Edward Snowden’s favorite chat app “Signal” The security engineer responsible for Signal’s tough encryption will join Apple this summer, and will likely come up with a foolproof encryption software that will deter further temptation by those thinking of breaking into an Apple and compromising its integrity.

Apple Hires Developer Behind Snowden’s Favorite Secure Chat App

After the recent attempt by the FBI to force Apple to take an iPhone and open it up for inspection (looking for San Bernardino terrorist associates), the Tech giant has hired  Frederic Jacobs, the developer behind Edward Snowden’s favourite chat app “Signal” The security engineer responsible for Signal’s tough encryption will join Apple this summer, and will likely come up with a foolproof encryption software that will deter further temptation by those thinking of breaking into an Apple and compromising its integrity.
