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Apple's Trek to the Ordinary

Apple's Trek to the Ordinary

From the Slope of Hope: Over the past ten months, in steps almost too small to be noticed by the mass media, Apple has shed over two hundred billion dollars in value. That's nearly one quarter of a trillion dollars in wealth which would have fed shareholder dreams of new houses, new boats, new jewelry, and mink coats,'s gone.

Swiftkey Co-Founder Misses Out On Millions, Sold Share For Bicycle

A founder of Swiftkey gave away his stake for a bicycle in 2008 and now his company is worth millions after Microsoft bought it up. Chris Hill-Scott invented the iPhone keyboard app, that uses artificial intelligence to predict the next written word, with two other partners. The predictive text app was sold yesterday to Microsoft for a massive £174 million. The Daily Mail reports: University friends Jon Reynolds, 30, and Ben Medlock, 36, have walked away with over £25million each after seven short years.

A Work of Restoration

I focus a lot on Gloom, Despair, and Agony On Us (hat tip: Hee-Haw), so it’s a pleasure to post this e-mail from a reader:

I don’t know if I’ve told you about our parish school that has rebooted itself much in the model of St. Jerome’s.  Anthony Esolen wrote about it here:

I think it would be worth sharing it with your readers.  (I am biased but also want people to know about it.)
