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Condi Admits Another Iraq War Lie

Condi Admits Another Iraq War Lie

Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

Last week, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made some surprising admissions about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, claiming U.S.-led interventions in the Middle East were not about spreading democracy but were instead about addressing security issues.

During an interview at the Brooking Institute last Thursday, Rice stated the following:

War And Empire: The American Way Of Life

Authored by Paul Atwood via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

A few months ago I received a message from a professor at the Khomeini Institute for Education and  Research in Tehran, Iran, informing me that my 2010 book “War and Empire: The American Way of Life” (London, Pluto Press) had been translated into Farsi. He requested that I write an Introduction for Iranian readers. What follows is that Introduction. Two years ago the Xinhua Peoples’ Press in Beijing, China also published a translation in Mandarin.

Somehow The US Has Killed 70k ISIS Fighters - Twice As Many As It Says Exist

Somehow The US Has Killed 70k ISIS Fighters - Twice As Many As It Says Exist

Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

In June 2014, around the time ISIS was making headlines across the world, the Wall Street Journal reported that the terror group had 4,000 fighters in Iraq.

In September 2014, the CIA released an estimate claiming ISIS had between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters combined in both Iraq and Syria, including 15,000 who were foreign fighters.

Almost half were foreign fighters? That’s some organic uprising taking place in Syria.
