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Police Officer Fired for NOT Murdering a Citizen Who Posed No Threat

Police Officer Fired for Not Murdering a Citizen Who Posed No Threat

Officer Stephen Mader was fired for not instantly killing a non-threatening suicidal black man, who was immediately killed on arrival of two other policemen.

In contrast, a Tennessee sheriff who says he thrives on killing people remains employed and fully in charge.

Tennessee Sheriff Says He Thrives on Killing People

The #MeToo Movement Will Produce Victims of Its Own

The #MeToo Movement Will Produce Victims of Its Own

Paul Craig Roberts

From the standpoint of the #MeToo movement, the wrong country was banned from the Olympics. It should have been the US, not Russia. According to MeToo women, the US Olympic Committee and USA Gymnastics covered up Larry Nassar’s sexual abuse of US athletes for years.

In contrast, the Russian doping scandal appears to be an orchestration by Washington as part of its ongoing policy to isolate Russia.

How Much Is UK “Justice” Being Paid By Washington To Continue Holding Assange Prisoner?

How Much Is UK “Justice” Being Paid By Washington To Continue Holding Assange Prisoner?

The Swedish Government has for a second time completely closed the false and concocted case against Assange, and the corrupt British will not withdraw their arrest warrant for his extradiction to Sweden, a country that has withdrawn its extradition request for him.

Makes one wonder how much money corrupt UK prosecutors and judges are being paid by the CIA.

Criminals With Badges

It’s Like “Nazi Germany” — Federal Police Officer Furious After Cops Attempt to Rob Him & His Wife

Police have become criminal in intent. They make highway driving extremely dangerous.

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