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New Zealand

300 Whales Die In One Of New Zealand’s Worst Strandings

Hundreds of volunteers are racing to rescue hundreds of pilot whales that have beached themselves on the shallows at Farewell Spit. The narrow sand spit, located on the north-western coast of the South Island of New Zealand is a known black spot for whale strandings. NBC News reports: About three-quarters of the whales had already died by the time they were discovered Friday morning at a place called Farewell Spit on South Island. The incident is being called one of the worst whale beachings in New Zealand’s history.

New Zealand Follow In Canada’s Footsteps And Introduce Free Money For All

New Zealand looks set to follow in Canada’s footsteps in providing unconditional money to all of its citizens.  The country have announced plans to scrap benefits and to introduce basic citizens’ income, also known as Universal Basic Income (UBI). Leader of the opposition Labour party, Andrew Little, said his party were considering proposals to provide a basic, unconditional, fixed payment made to every single person in the country in order to combat the “possibility of higher structural unemployment”.

Real Life ‘Vampire Outbreak’ Reported In New Zealand

Two women from Napier, New Zealand have been arrested after it was revealed that they each performed separate vampire attacks over the weekend. In one incident a woman took a bite out of a man’s neck in the aptly named Thirsty Whale pub. The victim lost so much blood he had to be taken to hospital. Earlier on the same day, police were called to an incident in the car park of a supermarket after reports of a woman biting another female were received. Yahoo News reports: Police said the woman had stepped in after her brother became involved in a fight with another man.

ObamaTrade Will Cost 448,000 American Jobs, New Study Finds

Submitted by Derrick Broze via,

One of the major purported selling points for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a supposed increase in new jobs as a result of the controversial trade deal. The deal involves 12 nations, including the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Malaysia and more. However, two recent economic reports have contradicted the claims that jobs will increase. They have shown that, more than likely, the deal will lead to a loss of jobs.
