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Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries

Algeria Officially Launches Helicopter Money Amid Sliding Oil Revenue, Budget Crisis

Algeria Officially Launches Helicopter Money Amid Sliding Oil Revenue, Budget Crisis

One year ago, the imminent arrival of helicopter money among endless discussions of pervasive lowflation was all the rage within high-finance policy circles. Then, everything changed as if on a dime, and in recent months the dominant topic has been global coordinated tightening - and in some cases even revisions to central bank mandates and the lowering of inflation targets - perhaps as a result of central banks' realization that monetizing debt by central banks leads to bad outcomes, not to mention global asset bubbles.

But not everywhere.

OPEC Reports First Oil Production Drop In 4 Months As Deal Compliance Slides

OPEC Reports First Oil Production Drop In 4 Months As Deal Compliance Slides

Confirming Monday leaks that OPEC production had dipped last month, the just released OPEC report for the month of September confirmed that in September, OPEC produced 32.755mmb/d (according to secondary source data), a drop of 79,100 bpd, and the first monthly decline in 4 months.  According to the underlying data, in the last month output increased in Nigeria (+138.3Kb/d), while declining in Libyam Gabon, Venezuela and Iraq. Saudi Arabia.

What's Next For Oil: Interview With Former DOE Chief Of Staff

What's Next For Oil: Interview With Former DOE Chief Of Staff

In this week's MacroVoices podcast, Erik Townsend and Joe McMonigle, former chief of staff at the US Department of Energy, discuss the state of the global energy market, and OPEC’s rapidly diminishing ability to control oil prices. McMonigle believes investors will be hearing more jawboning from the Saudis, OPEC's de-facto leader, over the next two weeks as they try to marshal support for extending the cartel's production-cut agreement past a March 2018 deadline.
