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Knifeman With ISIL Flag Shot Dead At Paris Police Station

A man has been shot dead at a Paris police station wearing a fake explosive vest and carrying a sheet of paper featuring the ISIL flag. The man was killed as he tried to enter a police station in Paris, wielding a knife. The incident comes on the one-year anniversary of the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine Euro News reports: Reportedly shouting ‘Allahu Akbar!’, meaning ‘God is great’, he was gunned down by officers in the northern 18th district, not far from Montmartre. Some reports said his weapon was a meat cleaver.

ISIS – The Case For Non-Intervention

Submitted by Roger Barris via,

Happy Armchair Warriors

The recent terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, have thrown the debate about ISIS into overdrive, particularly among the presidential candidates.  Several strands have emerged from these discussions, but I think that their taxonomy is not often clearly laid out.  I would therefore like to try to do this.


IS military parade in Mosul

I think that there are three inter-related strands to the discussion, which I summarize below:

272 Islamic State Terrorists Are Hiding In Europe, 150 More Are On Their Way, Dagbladet Reports

272 Islamic State Terrorists Are Hiding In Europe, 150 More Are On Their Way, Dagbladet Reports

It has been over a month since the November 13 Paris terrorist suicide bombings and mass shootings and the subsequent warzone-like shutdown of Brussels, and Europe was just starting to emerge from its terrorized shell.

However, for a continent which wants to "use global issues as excuses to extend its power", issues such as terrorism in the words of the infamous 2008 AIG presentation, which serve as an "excuse for greater control over police and judicial issues; increase extent of surveillance" a return to normalcy is unacceptable.

Weapon Used in November 13 Paris Attacks Came From CIA-linked Arms Dealer

Weapon Used in November 13 Paris Attacks Came From CIA-linked Arms Dealer

The manufacturer of one of the weapons used in the alleged ISIS Paris attack reports that the weapon was sold by the factory to a US arms dealer. The American arms dealer has close connection to the CIA.

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