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The Last Time the 14th Amendment Insurrection Provision Was Used to Bar Someone from US Elected Office

The effort by the Colorado Supreme Court and the Maine Secretary of State to, in their respective states, keep Trump off the presidential race ballot in the name of enforcing the “insurrection provision” of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution is an atrocious abuse of power. So too was the last time the provision was used as a reason to bar an individual from holding an elected office in the United States government.

Biden’s war on Gaza

Dangerous embrace – when Joe Biden bear-hugged Benjamin Netanyahu, he embraced the Zionist agenda and all its deadly consequences. No matter how the American administration wants to parse its role in Israel’s war on Gaza, the US is ultimately accountable for Israel’s military campaign.

CrossTalking with Daniel McAdams and Lionel.

Dropping Ukraine to Focus on Trump

RPI Director Daniel McAdams joins Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou of the top geopolitics broadcast, The Duran, to discuss the bizarre dynamics of Washington, DC, and the Congressional battles over continuing to fund the failed Ukraine proxy war with Russia. Will the Biden Administration seize Russian assets to continue to fund the Ukraine war, and if so what will happen to the global economic system? What to expect after the Colorado decision to strike Trump’s name from the ballot? Don’t miss this one!
