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ISIS and the GOP, Natural Allies

Sorry to disappoint those crying for a war against Islam, but the vast majority of those who kill with a gun in the U.S. are angry white men. Like Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio. "White terrorism" in America is a bigger problem by orders of magnitude than ISIS-inspired terrorism. "War" with individuals who cannot even be identified does not, cannot make anyone in the U.S. safer.

A Supporter's Open Letter to the Bernie Sanders Campaign

In his candidacy for president, Bernie Sanders offers a program of policy reforms that can shape a fairer, more productive American economy and more just society. But in order to point up both the revolutionary departure his reforms represent and their ethical propriety in a free-market economy, he needs to relate them to a broad moral vision--namely, a central role for the federal government in building American community.

A Supporter's Open Letter to the Bernie Sanders Campaign

In his candidacy for president, Bernie Sanders offers a program of policy reforms that can shape a fairer, more productive American economy and more just society. But in order to point up both the revolutionary departure his reforms represent and their ethical propriety in a free-market economy, he needs to relate them to a broad moral vision--namely, a central role for the federal government in building American community.
