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Putin Must Seek Justice For Peshkov

Putin has never lost sight of his primary goals which are to prevent regime change, to maintain the sovereign integrity of the state, and to kill or capture all terrorists operating in Syria. If Erdogan agreed to these terms, Putin will have achieved all of his objectives; displaced Syrians will be able to return home, life will gradually return to normal, and Peshkov will have gotten the justice he deserves.

Paul Ryan's 7 Terrible Ideas

The new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, summed up his House Republican agenda -- vowing to pursue legislation that would frame a stark choice for voters in 2016. "Our No. 1 goal for the next year is to put together a complete alternative to the left's agenda," he said. Despite the speech's sweeping oratory and careful stagecraft, Ryan clings to seven dumb ideas that will only help the rich.
