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"A Night In Aleppo": Scenes From Syria's Most War-Torn City

Back in October, we brought you “Syrian Showdown: Russia, Iran Rally Forces, US Rearms Rebels As ‘Promised’ Battle For Aleppo Begins,” in which we detailed Russia and Iran’s preparations for an push north towards Aleppo, Syria’s second largest city that’s held by a hodgepodge of militants, rebels, and jihadists (if one is inclined to differentiate between the three). 

Trump Slams Hillary's "Stupid Policies" That Have "Killed Hundreds Of Thousands"

Having disposed of Saudi's "dopey, daddy's boy" Prince bin Talal, Donald Trump has turned his attention back to domestic affairs, taking Hillary Clinton head on. With some of his most heated comments yet, The Hill reports, the Republican presidential front-runner is pinning blame for the Syrian civil war and the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on Hillary Clinton.

Is Saudi Women's Vote a Step Forward?

is this vote really a significant step forward? First let's consider the Saudi electoral system within the context of an absolute monarchy. The ruler is always a male and inherits his position. All powerful government positions from ministers to governors are appointed by the King. The 150-member Consultative Council, known as the Shura Council, is also appointed and has only advisory power.
