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presidential election

Growing "Signs Of Distress" In US Manufacturing Data Demolish Decoupling Dream

Growing "Signs Of Distress" In US Manufacturing Data Demolish Decoupling Dream

Following the weakness in global PMIs, and yesterday's Chicago PMI collapse, US Markit Manufacturing PMI dropped to cycle lows at 51.3 from 52.5 (very slightly better than expectations of 51.2) with job growth at 5-month lows, production at slowest in 28 months, and work backlogs tumbling to the lowest since Sept 2009.

"Trump Must Be Stopped" Plead 'The Economist' And CFR As Financial Establishment Panics

"Trump Must Be Stopped" Plead 'The Economist' And CFR As Financial Establishment Panics

It's one thing for the republican establishment to throw up all over the candidacy of Donald Trump: frankly, the GOP has not been relevant as a political power ever since Boehner started folding like a lawn chair to Obama's every demand just around the time of the first US downgrade, and as such what the Republican party - torn apart and very much irrelevant as the best of the "establishment" GOP candidates demonstrate - thinks is largely irrelevant.

The Donald's Odds Against Hillary

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

In a Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump race – which, the Beltway keening aside, seems the probable outcome of the primaries – what are the odds the GOP can take the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court?

If Republicans can unite, not bad, not bad at all.

Undeniably, Democrats open with a strong hand.
