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presidential election

Which Populations Feel Their Country is on the Wrong Track?

Which Populations Feel Their Country is on the Wrong Track?

Plato once used the allegory of a Ship of Fools to push for his vision of a wise philosopher-king as the ideal pilot for a ship of state.

Looking at the most recent numbers from Morning Consult Political Intelligence’s Projections of Country Trajectories, you would be forgiven for thinking that a great many people believe that their ship of state is piloted by fools.

John Stossel’s New Ron Paul Interview

Ron Paul is optimistic about the benefits of past and ongoing efforts in libertarian education. That is an early topic of discussion in John Stossel’s newly released interview with Paul.Paul then proceeds to address in the wide-ranging, 43-minutes interview other matters including monetary policy and the United States government’s interventions overseas.Off and on in the interview, Stossel references, and includes video from, an earlier interview Stossel had with Paul when Paul was running in the 2008 presidential election.

Finally, Some Good News

Finally, Some Good News

Paul Craig Roberts

Washington’s gratuitous raising of tensions with Russia that we have been witnessing for many years is so reckless and irresponsible that we need some relief from the depression of it all. Perhaps I am grasping at straws, but here are some hopeful developments.
