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presidential election

Finally, Some Good News

Finally, Some Good News

Paul Craig Roberts

Washington’s gratuitous raising of tensions with Russia that we have been witnessing for many years is so reckless and irresponsible that we need some relief from the depression of it all. Perhaps I am grasping at straws, but here are some hopeful developments.

Lies Can Lead To War

Lies Can Lead To War

Paul Craig Roberts

Notice that the governments of the US, UK, France, and Germany did not require any evidence to decide that the Russian government used military-grade nerve gas to attack two people on an English park bench and a UK policeman. It makes no sense. There is no Russian motive.

Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment Is A Threat To All Of Us

Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment Is A Threat To All Of Us

Paul Craig Roberts

We continue to hear from a variety of uninformed or corrupt people that there is “clear evidence” that Russia interfered in the US presidential election. We hear it from the Atlantic Council, a mouthpiece for the military/security complex.

We hear it from a nutcase in the British Labour Party.
