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UFO Portal Filmed Above CERN In December 2015

A group of US tourists recently filmed what appears to be a UFO entering a portal in the sky above CERN headquarters in Switzerland.  CERN is home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world. reports: More people have become more aware of the CERN project aggressive ambitions to explore the unknown ‘dark universe” many have pointed to signs that have people troubled if not terrified by the parade of symbolism used at the CERN facility itself.

ISIS Sanctions Human Organ Harvesting

ISIS have begun harvesting human organs after a group of scholars ruled that the taking of organs from captives was allowed.  The January 31st document says that taking organs from a living captive in order to save a fellow Muslim’s life is permissible. The Times Of India reports: Reuters couldn’t independently confirm the authenticity of the document. US officials say it was among a trove of data and other information obtained by US special forces in a raid in eastern Syria in May.
