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Republican Party

Ryan Folds? - Republican Speaker Ready To Endorse Trump

Ryan Folds? - Republican Speaker Ready To Endorse Trump

House Speaker Paul Ryan has begun telling confidants that he wants to end his standoff with Donald Trump according to Bloomberg. Just 3 weeks after "just not being ready" to endorse Trump, and 2 weeks after signalling "unity" having met with The Donald; it seems the speaker's decision, according to two people close to the lawmaker, was driven in part because he’s worried the split has sharpened divisions in the Republican Party.

Just 10 days ago we asked, What is Ryan up to?

Dejected Neocons Lash Out At "Fascist, Huckster" Trump

Six months ago we explained why the neocons hate Donald Trump and with his meteroric rise that dislike has only grown stronger and more desperate (and we suspect Trump's view of the hawkish warmongers has risen right alongside it). In fact, as The Hill reports, the rise of Donald Trump is threatening the power of neoconservatives, who find themselves at risk of being marginalized in the Republican Party. Whereas neoconservatism advocates spreading American ideals through the use of military force, Trump has made the case for nationalism and a smaller U.S.

Will Ben Sasse Challenge Trump?

Ben Sasse is the man of the hour. On this first-term Republican senator from Nebraska lie the hopes of conservatives opposed to presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump.

Conservative columnists beg him to run for president. Erick Erickson, arguably the right’s best-known blogger, calls him a hero and “the voice of intellectual conservatives in the United States.”

Is Mitt Romney On A Suicide Mission?

Suibmitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

“It’s a suicide mission,” said the Republican Party Chairman.

Reince Priebus was commenting on a Washington Post story about Mitt Romney and William Kristol’s plot to recruit a third-party conservative candidate to sink Donald Trump.

Several big-name Republican “consultants” and “strategists” are said to be on board. Understandably so, given the bucks involved.
