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How America Armed Terrorists In Syria

Authored by Gareth Porter via,

Three-term Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a member of both the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees, has proposed legislation that would prohibit any U.S. assistance to terrorist organizations in Syria as well as to any organization working directly with them. Equally important, it would prohibit U.S. military sales and other forms of military cooperation with other countries that provide arms or financing to those terrorists and their collaborators.

While My Qatar Gently Weeps

While My Qatar Gently Weeps

By Chris at

Menopause, I'm told, is horrible.

Men don't know too much about it, and thankfully I've not been exposed to it... yet. One minute you're hand in hand on the beach with your sweet adoring wife and the next she's a sobbing wreck who wants to stab you in the thigh with a pair of knitting needles.

This is probably just how Qatar feels right now.

Trump's First Foreign Trip: 10,000 Cops, Bomb-Proof Hotel Rooms, Robots, Steak With A Side Of Ketchup

Trump's First Foreign Trip: 10,000 Cops, Bomb-Proof Hotel Rooms, Robots, Steak With A Side Of Ketchup

Over the past week a lot of digital ink has been spilled trying to preview and predict what will take place during Trump's first official mammoth visit abroad, when over the next 8 days after an overnight flight on Air Force One, Trump will hopscotch from Saudi Arabia to Israel to the Vatican. He’ll close his trip with a pair of summits in Brussels and Sicily. The stakes are great for Trump who makes his debut on the international stage: he’s the first president since Jimmy Carter to not travel abroad during his first 100 days in office.

The American Military's Real Problem: Shooting 'Ants' With 'Elephant Guns'

Submitted by Tobias Burgers via,

In combating asymmetric threats, we have to ask ourselves, on which side of the asymmetry do we sit? Typically and almost in a cliché manner, we depict our side as superior – we have the technology, we have the equipment, we have the on-going development capabilities. But do we really have the money for such high-end, extended, near-endless military campaigns?
