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Russian intelligence

Sorting Out The Russia Mess

Sorting Out The Russia Mess

Authored by Robert Parry via,

The U.S. mainstream media finally has its 'smoking gun' on Russia-gate - incriminating information from a junior Trump campaign adviser - but a closer look reveals serious problems with the 'evidence'...

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier outside the Kremlin wall, Dec. 6, 2016. (Photo by Robert Parry)

The Mad Chase For Russia-gate Prey

The Mad Chase For Russia-gate Prey

Authored by Daniel Lazare via The Strategic Culture Foundation,


June turned out to be the cruelest month for the Russia-gate industry.

The pain began on June 8 when ex-FBI Director James Comey testified that a sensational New York Times article declaring that “members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials” was “in the main … not true.”

NYTimes Reports Trump Aides' "Repeated Contact" With Russian Intel Officials, Admits No Collusion Discovered

NYTimes Reports Trump Aides' "Repeated Contact" With Russian Intel Officials, Admits No Collusion Discovered

As The White House tries to put the Flynn disappointment behind them, The New York Times appears to be resurrecting an old story with a new angle to keep the 'blame the Russians' narrative alive. Following FISA court approval (to spy on Trump's campaign), intercepted calls reportedly show "repeated contact" between Trump advisor Paul Manafort and senior Russian intelligence officials... but reveal no collusion.

US Retaliates Against Russia For "Hacking The Election": Expels 35 Diplomats, Closes Compounds, Issues Sanctions

US Retaliates Against Russia For "Hacking The Election": Expels 35 Diplomats, Closes Compounds, Issues Sanctions

As promised (or threatened), the Obama administration has unveiled - via the US Treasury - new sanctions against Russia over election hacking allegations (that as yet have not been supported by any actual evidence). Despite president-elect Trump's comments that "we ought to get on with our lives," the sanctions apply to five entities and six individuals, and also including the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats and closing two Russian compounds in New York and Maryland in response to a campaign of harassment against American diplomats in Moscow, a senior U.S. official said on Thursday.
