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Senate vote

What Could Possibly Go Wrong With Tax Reform? The Answer, According To Goldman, Is "Plenty"

What Could Possibly Go Wrong With Tax Reform? The Answer, According To Goldman, Is "Plenty"

One of the reason why the torrid dollar rally of the past few weeks appears to have plateaued, at least for the time being, is that just like earlier in the year, doubts have emerged about the viability of the "new and improved" tax plan, which according to the Tax Policy Center would mostly benefit the "Top 1", even as it eventually pushes taxes for the upper middle class progressively higher.

John McCain Kills GOP's Last Ditch Effort To Repeal Obamacare

John McCain Kills GOP's Last Ditch Effort To Repeal Obamacare

Third time turned out to be unlucky after all.

Earlier today, Sen. Susan Collins said that she has serious concerns about the latest GOP bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare as Republicans prepare to vote on the legislation next week, adding that she was "leaning against the bill... I’m just trying to do what I believe is the right thing for the people of Maine."  And with Collins voicing against the bill, it meant that GOP leadership would be left with no room for error if they want to get their last-ditch ObamaCare repeal bill through the Senate next week.
