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Social Issues

This Is What Happens When Every German Googles "Pepper Spray"

This Is What Happens When Every German Googles "Pepper Spray"

Back in November, we remarked that despite occasional videos of angry Germans protesting at what has become the biggest "foreign invasion" of Europe since World War II, the German popular response to the wave of migrants, which is now expected to top 1 million in 2015 has been relatively calm.

"Fear (and anger), however, are building beneath the otherwise calm surface," we warned.

Big Pharma Not Happy: 80% of Cannabis Users Give Up Prescription Drugs

Big Pharma must be getting seriously worried by the results of a recent survey conducted by the Centre for Addictions Research of BC The pharmaceutical (along with the alcohol) industry is a powerful influences in Washington and has long been lobbying against cannabis legalization in order to protect their profits. Natural Blaze reports: However, the tide has turned as decriminalization of medical and recreational cannabis sweeps the nation and the continent.

German Biker Gangs Attack Foreigners In Migrant "Manhunts"

German Biker Gangs Attack Foreigners In Migrant "Manhunts"

On Sunday, we learned that the man who stormed a Paris police station while waving a meat cleaver and donning a fake bomb vest once lived in a center for asylum seekers in Germany and may have ties to the wave of sexual assaults that occurred in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.

The revelations came just a day after some 1,700 people turned out for a PEGIDA rally where demonstrators waved anti-migrant banners and called for the ouster of Angela Merkel.
