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Visualizing Google’s Search Engine Market Share

Visualizing Google’s Search Engine Dominance

Google is ubiquitous in the daily lives of billions of people around the world, with leading positions in online search, maps, and other services.

In fact, Google’s dominance is so far-reaching, it has led the U.S. Justice Department to launch a civil antitrust lawsuit for what it believes are examples of anticompetitive and exclusionary conduct.

No War for Semiconductors

“No war for oil” is a well-known chant and message on signs at antiwar protests. It challenges a common special interest purpose behind United States military actions abroad. It is time to start using an update variation of that chant and those signs. Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy stated in a Tuesday Twitter post that he is the only candidate who has committed, as president, to “militarily defending Taiwan” against China. Expanding on his war pledge, Ramaswamy wrote:
