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Scientists Can Now Upload Knowledge To Your Brain, Just Like ‘The Matrix’

A team of scientists in California have unveiled a new type of Matrix-style learning that allows people to upload knowledge directly to their brains.  The scientists from HRL Laboratories say they have conducted experiments in which they transplanted the knowledge of trained pilots into the brains of beginners and then successfully tested them in flight simulators afterwards. reports: The technique is similar to that seen in 1999’s The Matrix, in which the protagonist, Neo, learns Kung Fu in a matter of seconds after the knowledge is uploaded directly into his brain.

How 3D Printing Is Changing Life As We Know It

How 3D Printing Is Changing Life As We Know It

By Chris at

"Watch out buddy. I'll print another one of you."

My son was being a little snot. The thing with your own kids is that they're like your wife: they absolutely know how to push your buttons and make your blood boil. Between you and me, there are times when I could whop him with a frying pan on the head. I'll not be doing that of course as the frying pan will be dented and I'd have to explain that to my wife.

Researcher Says Aliens Are Controlling The Sun According To ‘New Evidence’

A researcher claims that he believes UFOs are controlling the amount of the sun’s light and heat that is released to Earth. The ufologist has spotted what he claims to be numerous UFOs traveling around the sun this week in images sent back from the Solar Heliospheric Observatory. “People should know the truth that hides Nasa,” Russian ufologist Myunhauzen writes underneath his youtube video. The video ( below) was released to the public on 4 March and shows images of strange green glowing objects circling around a bright glowing ball of gas.

Hubble Finds Furthest Galaxy From Earth

The Hubble Telescope has discovered the farthest galaxy ever seen to date. Galaxy GN-z11 existed a long long time ago, just 400 million years after the Big Bang, and it was far far far away. It is the earliest and most distance galaxy that has ever been observed by scientific instruments. What has replaced it and when will no doubt reveal itself in the future as more light-waves are captured through time.

Expect Large Builds in Oil Inventories For Next 7 Weeks (Video)

Expect Large Builds in Oil Inventories For Next 7 Weeks (Video)

By EconMatters

Starting this time last year we added over 40 Million Barrels to US Oil Stockpiles. The question is can storage facilities handle another 40 Million Build in Oil Stocks over the next 7 weeks?


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