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90% Of U.S. Could Be Destroyed With Doomsday EMP Weapon This Holiday

The Pentagon have admitted that they are unprepared to deal with the aftermath of an electromagnetic pulse generated as a result of a nuclear explosion, or from an EMP from a huge solar flare.  Not only are the U.S. lacking in defense against EMP weapons, but they are also lagging behind in designing their own. According to the Daily Mail, a staggering 90% of the U.S. population would die following an EMP attack.

Facebook vs. ISIS

This past week brought two pieces of contradictory news. In a misguided attempt to fight terrorism, Republican presidential candidates proposed curtailing the Internet and, by implication, Facebook. Meanwhile, Facebook rolled on; a year-end Time magazine poll concluded Facebook was the most popular smartphone App with 126,702,000 US users.

Whistleblower Exposes Exactly How The Government Spies On Your Cell Phone

Submitted by Derrick Broze via,

The release of a secret U.S. government catalog of cell phone surveillance devices has revealed the names and abilities of dozens of surveillance tools previously unknown to the public. The catalog shines a light on well-known devices like the Stingray and DRT box, as well as new names like Cellbrite, Yellowstone, Blackfin, Maximus, Stargrazer, and Cyberhawk.


The Intercept reports:
