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Obama Wants Access To Digital Devices To Prevent Terrorism & Tax Cheats

President Barack Obama told a Texas audience that mobile devices should be built such a way that the government can access them in order to prevent terrorist attacks and as a means to enforce tax laws. Speaking during a Q&A session, Obama declined to comment specifically on the efforts by the FBI requiring Apple’s help in gaining data from an iPhone used in the December attack in San Bernardino.

Trump the Trickster

Driving home from Texas yesterday, I heard NPR’s Rachel Martin interview Don Reid, a genial Republican — he sounded like the kind of guy you’d love to have a cup of coffee with — and former city council member in Charlotte, NC. Reid is a Trump supporter. Excerpts from the interview:

DON REID: I just absolutely love the fact that Donald Trump is challenging the establishment Republicans. He’s redefining the party and, hopefully, destroying the power that has been in that little oligarchy of establishment Republicans in Washington, D.C.

Dallas Has A Saint

Dallas Has A Saint

Archbishop Dmitri of Dallas (1923-2011)

Above is an image taken today of the incorrupt body of Archbishop Dmitri of Dallas. He died in the summer of 2011, and was buried unembalmed, according to Orthodox tradition. On Friday his body was disinterred for transferral to his new tomb in St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral in Dallas, which was his own. When the cemetery personnel opened his coffin, they found Vladyka Dmitri incorrupt.

Trump Is on Track to Dominate Super Tuesday

Trump has led the polling in every state voting today except three (Texas, Arkansas, and Minnesota), and he is very likely to win at least seven of the eight states where he has led. While the delegate allocation in these states is proportional, there are fairly high thresholds in several states (Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas) that require a candidate to get 20% to be awarded any delegates. Other states have thresholds of 10 or 15% (e.g., Massachusetts). In both kinds of states, either Cruz or Rubio has been falling short of these thresholds and may receive nothing.
