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Trump administration

White House Prepares For Trade War, Warns US "Will Not Be Bound By WTO Decisions"

In the latest warning from the White House that it is set to unleash trade policy that will be in sharp conflict with generally accepted trade norms, most likely a reference to some form of Border Adjustment Tax, the Trump administration has warned that the U.S. isn't and won't bound by decisions made at the World Trade Organization, in outlining a new trade agenda that "promises to root out unfair practices by foreign countries" and to escalate what are already simmering trade conflicts.

Trump To States With Recreational Pot: Drop Dead

Via Ryan McMaken of The Mises Institute,

In the days following the 2016 election, there were already worrying signs that the Trump administration didn't merely view the War on Drugs as a useful source of rhetoric to please some Conservatives. With the appointment of Jeff Sessions — who appears to be a true believer in the War on Drugs — the threat to federalism, states's rights, and local control was all too real. 

Putin Trump Love Affair Sours, Moves Toward War

There is a growing concern among top Kremlin officials that the new Trump administration is far less friendly than previously thought. When Russia was cheering for Donald Trump in the US elections, it was doing so purely out of dislike for Hillary Clinton, to stop her entering the White House and starting world war III. Donald Trump’s friendly attitude toward Russia at the time was for the same reason.
