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US-UK Trade Talks To Begin Immediately In Defiance Of EU Rules: What's Trump Up To?

US-UK Trade Talks To Begin Immediately In Defiance Of EU Rules: What's Trump Up To?

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Congratulations to UK prime minister Theresa May for poking a finger into the eyes of EU nannycrats.

EU rules say members cannot negotiate trade deals until exit from the block is finalized, but you can kiss that rule goodbye.

The Wall Street Journal reports British PM Theresa May Says U.K.-U.S. Trade Talks to Begin Immediately.

Is Soros On The Ropes?

Submitted by Wayne Madsen via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Although multi-billionaire hedge fund tycoon and international political pot-stirrer George Soros lost big with the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States and the victory of the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom, he stands to lose further ground, politically and financially, as the winds of political change sweep across the globe.

Petition To Ban Trump’s UK State Visit Gathers Momentum

An online petition to prevent the US President Donald Trump making an official state visit to the UK has generated over 700k signatures, at the time of writing…and is rapidly rising. There are enough signatures to warrant the issue being considered for debate in parliament. Senior Conservatives joined the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, in calling for the visit to be suspended so long as Trump’s controversial immigration ban is in place.

Over 400,000 Brits Want President Trump Banned From The UK

Over 400,000 Brits Want President Trump Banned From The UK

An online petition to prevent US President Donald Trump making an official state visit to the UK has generated enough signatures to warrant it being considered for debate in British parliament.

The petition was initially opened in the immediate aftermath of Trump’s election in November 2016 but, as RT reports, following Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ executive order on Friday, it has garnered huge support online.

That Special Relationship Is Also With London's City

Via The Daily Bell


On Friday, British Prime Minister Theresa May will become the first world leader to meet with Donald Trump since he was sworn in as U.S. President. The meeting breathes new life into the long-standing “special relationship” between the United States and Britain, with Mr. Trump already calling her “his Maggie,” drawing comparisons to the political bond forged between Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s. -The Globe and Mail
