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United States

Presentation for the 4th International Seminar for Peace and Abolition of Foreign Military Bases

The sordid history of the past 14 years of the United States imprisoning 779 persons from 48 countries on a U.S. military base in Cuba as a part of its global war "on terror" reflects the mentality of those who govern the United States -- global intervention for political or economic reasons, invasion, occupation other countries and leaving its military bases in those countries for decades.

Former US Secretary of Defense Joins PCR In Warning Of Nuclear Armageddon Risk

Former US Secretary of Defense Joins PCR In Warning Of Nuclear Armageddon Risk

i have been warning that the crazed neocons and their two-bit puppet, president obama, are leading, with the assistance of the presstitute media, the world back to the prospect of nuclear armageddon. A former Secretary of Defense agrees with me.

Wake up! Constrain the insane US government, or life on earth is over.
