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U.S. government

U.S. Government Scientists Go ‘Rogue’ On Twitter, Defying Trump

Employees from U.S. government agencies have set up a network of unofficial “rogue” Twitter feeds defying what they see as attempts by Donald Trump to muzzle federal climate change research and other science. Using Trump’s favorite mode of discourse, scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NASA and more than ten other bureaus have privately launched Twitter accounts,  borrowing the names and logos of their agencies, to protest restrictions they view as censorship and to provide unfettered platforms for their information.

Eric Zuesse: America’s Secret Planned Conquest Of Russia

Submitted by investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  hey’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

America’s Secret Planned Conquest Of Russia

The U.S. government’s plan to conquer Russia is based upon a belief in, and the fundamental plan to establish, “Nuclear Primacy” against Russia — an American ability to win a nuclear war against, and so conquer, Russia.

This Is How The US Government Destroys The Lives Of Patriotic Whistleblowers

This Is How The US Government Destroys The Lives Of Patriotic Whistleblowers

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

We live in a time and within a culture where the best amongst us are thrown in jail, demonized or destroyed, while the worst are celebrated, promoted and enriched. Nothing more clearly crystalizes this sad state of affairs than the U.S. government’s ruthless war on whistleblowers who expose severe constitutional violations by those in power. This war knows no political affiliation, and has be waged with equal vigor by the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama.
