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US government

Social Security Requires A Bailout That's 60x Greater Than The 2008 Emergency Bank Handout

Social Security Requires A Bailout That's 60x Greater Than The 2008 Emergency Bank Handout

Authored by Simon Black via,

A few weeks ago the Board of Trustees of Social Security sent a formal letter to the United States Senate and House of Representatives to issue a dire warning: Social Security is running out of money.

Given that tens of millions of Americans depend on this public pension program as their sole source of retirement income, you’d think this would have been front page news…

An Insane Bond Market In 4 Charts: "Italian Junk Bonds Yield Less Than US Treasurys"

An Insane Bond Market In 4 Charts: "Italian Junk Bonds Yield Less Than US Treasurys"

In our "WTF Chart of the day" from last Friday, we showed something stunning: European junk bonds yields were the same, and in some cases lower, than comparable-maturity 10Y US Treasurys.

In other words, the distortion unleashed by Mario Draghi's CSPP, or corporate bond buying program unveiled last March, has made European junk bonds "safer" than US government-issued paper.

WTI Jumps Above $50 On Report US Prepping Sanctions Against Venezuela Oil Industry

WTI Jumps Above $50 On Report US Prepping Sanctions Against Venezuela Oil Industry

After both Brent and WTI rose above their respective 50DMAs on Friday, capping 2017's best weekly rally for oil, the rising tide is accelerating as the latest CFTC COT data confirmed, when net specs boosted bullish Nymex WTI crude oil bets by 27K net-long positions to 423K, the highest in two months, as producers continued to cover short hedges, sending their net position to the most bullish since the summer of 2015.

Doom Journalism has become Fake News

(GLOBALINTELHUB.COM) — 7/22/2017 — The internet is exploding with ‘reports’ of ‘potential cataclysms’ including but not limited to erupting super volcanoes, EMP attack from North Korea (or Nuclear attack from North Korea), or just plain good old fashioned American insurrection (which all should note, will void most insurance policies).  The research team at Global Intel Hub has been investigating global intelligence since 2001 (It was 9/11 that started a chain of events that would lead to the formation of Global Intel Hub).
