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Washington D.C.

Thousands Of Clinton Staffers Forced To ‘Go On Welfare’

Thousands of Clinton aides and campaign staffers are being forced to leave Washington D.C., move back in with their parents and go on welfare, according to counselors working with the recently unemployed staff. “There’s anger, there’s frustration, there’s anxiety, there’s burnout,” said Russ Finkelstein, a managing director at Clearly Next who has been counseling Clinton campaign staffers. “People are in shock,” said Anastasia Kessler-Dellaccio, 35, who quit her job at Sister Cities International to run Foreign Policy Professionals for Hillary.

Massive Security Preparations Underway For Trump Inauguration Amid Protester Threats To "Paralyze The City"

Massive Security Preparations Underway For Trump Inauguration Amid Protester Threats To "Paralyze The City"

With just 8 days left until President Trump's inauguration ceremony in Washington D.C., a massive security force, including 7,500 Guardsmen and 3,000 police officers, is preparing for the worst as the event is expected to attract up to 750,000 protesters, some of whom have vowed to "paralyze the city."  Certainly if the protester presence at the Senate confirmation hearings over the past two days is any indicator of what is to come, then next Friday should be an interesting evening.

Gingrich Warns Biggest Risk For Trump Admin Is They "Lose Their Nerve"

Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, once considered a front runner for a senior position in the Trump administration, continues to take jabs at the President-elect.  After being forced to apologize a few weeks back for saying that Trump no longer wishes to "Drain The Swamp" in Washington D.C., Gingrich is back with new controversial comments suggesting, yet again, that the Trump administration may ultimately cave to the demands of the far left.  Per ABC News:

With His Legacy At Risk And Democrats In Disarray Obama Vows To Fight Trump As Private Citizen

With His Legacy At Risk And Democrats In Disarray Obama Vows To Fight Trump As Private Citizen

In 2008, with Republicans having been handed a massive defeat that resulted in Democrat control of all three branches of government in Washington D.C., George W. Bush decided to do the honorable thing by bowing to the will of the people and vowing not to publicly criticize the new President-elect.  Now, 8 years later, President Obama finds himself in the exact same position as the American people have dealt his "legacy" a massive blow by handing Republicans total control of Congress and the White House.
