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CIA Chief Says Al-Qaeda Never Existed

A former senior CIA intelligence officer claims that Al-Qaeda has never existed in the past, and does not exist today in any form.  Michael Scheuer was the CIA’s Chief of the ‘Bin Laden Issue Station’ and has gone on the record saying that the terrorist organisation blamed for the 9/11 attacks was a creation of the CIA. reports: Below is a video of Michael Scheuer being interviewed by RT news. Scheuer is a former CIA intelligence officer of 20 years. He is also an author, foreign policy critic, and a political analyst. Currently, he works as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University. One of his assignments during his long career was serving as the CIA’s Chief of the Bin Laden Issue Station. Washington’s enemy is an enemy that doesn’t exist. It didn’t exist when Bin Laden was alive, it doesn’t exist now. Another alternative viewpoint you don’t hear from mainstream media. Someone with a background like this is worth listening to. Are We Seeing The Same Thing With ISIS? If the above is true about Al-Qaeda, are we seeing the same thing with ISIS? A few years ago, FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, who gained a lot of attention in 2002 [...]