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EPA Says Radiation spike Near Hanford Nuclear Waste Site Is ‘Natural’

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) say that the elevated gamma radiation levels around the Hanford site, America’s largest nuclear waste storage facility, is down to natural causes However a few inconsistencies have been found in the EPA’s claims as Russia Today’s Alexey Yaroshevsky has discovered: RT has reported extensively on the situation at Washington State’s Hanford Nuclear storage facility since various leaks and injuries to workers were reported. An incident on May 5th covered by RT, when radiation levels in the area adjacent to the site skyrocketed, prompted a federal investigation. However, following the RT report, a local newspaper urged its audience not to “believe everything on the Internet” in an article extensively quoting a statement from the EPA that claimed the elevated radiation levels had a natural cause and were not connected to the Hanford facility in any way. “The US Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington State Department of Health agree that radiation from naturally occurring radon was measured on an EPA monitor,” the EPA statement reads. “The scientists determined that the cause was a temporary elevation of radon levels from the natural decay of certain types of elements found in nearly all rocks and soil.” The statement also stresses [...]