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Finnish Professor Says Wireless Technology Causes Brain Damage

A Finnish professor has warned that wireless technology in schools may lead to a global epidemic of brain damage in the population.  Professor Rainer Nyberg has warned parents and schools that “we must protest children and youth more than we do today“, urging schools to scrap wireless technology before its too late. reports: In this interview, for TV-Finland’s Channel, he explains how he found out about the health risks directly linked to wireless emissions from the technology he had assumed would only have positive effects. What started your interest in wireless technology and its effects on health? It actually began with my deep interest and involvement in new technology. As a teacher-trainer at the Faculty of Education I also started projects on IT-pedagogy and e-Learning. This resulted, among other things, in two books. One was How To Teach Online Education, another was a 350 page Research Guide, with 120 pages on how the Internet can be used to search for scientific information. So your starting point was about the benefits, and not about the harmful effects? Yes, definitely. I could only see the benefits then. I had been using cellphones for a long time and wifi-gadgets too. While I [...]