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Frozen Ancient Civilization Discovered In Antarctica

Whistleblower Corey Goode says there is an ancient alien civilization that is flash frozen and buried under two miles of ice in Antarctica. Goode, a secret space program whistleblower, says that in early January 2017 he was taken to Antarctica by the U.S. Air Force to witness a secret excavation work that is under way there on the ruins of a 55,000-year-old alien civilisation. He was first informed about the discovery by a senior USAF officer working in a secret space program for the US government and the elites. The discovery of the ruins dates back to the first Nazi German expedition in 1939. But it has only been since 2002 that excavations by archaeologists and other scientists have been allowed on the site. They are now preparing documentary films and academic papers to astound the scientific community and shock the world. Having failed to keep secret their own ancient ancestry for much longer, the elites will try to use the opportunity to distract attention from their own crimes. Stillness in the storm reports: In a December 11, 2016 update, Goode describes how he had been earlier made aware of the Antarctica excavations from multiple sources, and then had the [...]

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