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Kanye West Supports Donald Trump, Vows To Run In 2020

Kanye West has come out in support of Donald Trump, telling a stunned audience in California that he has been inspired to run for President himself in 2020.  To a collective boo from the audience, an undeterred Kanye West explained that even though he didn’t vote for either candidate earlier in the month, “if I would have voted, I would have voted on Trump“. He went onto  reiterate his plans to run in the 2020 presidential election, a promise he made last year at the MTV VMA’s. West told the crowd that he’s thinking of running in 2020 partly because Trump has proved that you don’t need to be a politician to win the White House, and partly because he has real ideas for America. “I don’t say 2020 out of disrespect to our president at all. I’ll just say I got some ideas about the way that we should connect our ideas. “  “And we should use opposite parties that the Republicans, that the Democrats, that everyone that ran that had an idea that people agreed with should be the collective ideas that are used to run the country. And that should mean more.” reports: “There’s things I liked about Trump’s [...]

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