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Major Websites Infected By Malicious Adverts

Ransomware has been found in malicious adverts displayed by major news and high-traffic websites. Visitors who used the sites over the weekend could have infected their computers with malware and ransomware. PC Mag reports: As first reported by Trustwave, and confirmed by several other security firms, these and other sites—including AOL, MSN,,, and—were hit by malicious ads served up by once-legitimate networks that were taken over by scammers. “It seems that an experienced actor has acquired an expired domain of a small but probably legitimate advertising company in order to utilize [it] for malicious purposes,” according to Trustwave, which said the Angler exploit kit is to blame. It turns out several high-profile sites were retrieving a JSON file as they normally would to pull advertising content from providers. But that included a “suspicious, heavily obfuscated JavaScript file with more than 12,000 lines of code” that worked to obscure malicious intent. “Upon successful exploitation, Angler infects the poor victim with both the Bedep trojan and the TeslaCrypt ransomware – double the trouble,” Trustwave said. “It’s important to note,” Trustwave said, “that while these popular sites are involved in the infection process,” they are still victims of malvertising. “The only ‘crime’ here is [...]