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Obama: I Will Take Action Against Russia Before Leaving Office

President Barack Obama has promised to take direct action against Russia over their alleged interference in the presidential election, before he leaves office in January. In an interview with NPR on Thursday evening, Obama vowed to retaliate against Russia, but refused to detail what that would entail. “I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections, that we need to take action and we will — at a time and place of our own choosing. Some of it may be explicit and publicized, some of it may not be. But Mr. Putin is well aware of my feelings about this because I spoke to him directly about it.“ The President also announced he will be holding his final press conference of the year at the White House on Friday at 2:15 p.m. ET. reports: U.S. intelligence officials have concluded that hackers working for Russia hacked into the Democratic National Committee’s computer network, as well as the private email of John Podesta, a top adviser to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. With the question of Russia’s ultimate motivation for the hack becoming increasingly divisive, Obama was careful to not endorse a CIA [...]

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