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A Pagan Who Drinks Goat Blood Is Running For Rubio’s Senate Seat

As the country and world at whole are largely focused on the current circus that many believe is the 2016 Presidential race, a lesser known race is turning out to be just as – if not more than – interesting…and creepy. When you throw in Nazis, Canada’s border patrol, a bottle filled with urine, and Aleister Crowley – you are in for quite an interesting congressional race that seems almost unbelievable. But alas, as VICE has recently reported, the list above are just some of the things that makes Augustus Sol Invictus’ campaign to fill Marco Rubio senate seat, which is soon to be empty, all the more interesting: Invictus — his full name translating from the original Roman for ‘majestic unconquered sun’ — was denied entry to British Columbia last week after trying to reach a planned rally in Vancouver, the last leg of his west-coast road tour. “Canadian Border Service then spent 3.5 hours investigating me,” Invictus said in a statement posted to his campaign website. “I was interrogated about my affiliation with neo-Nazis, about the charges of Fascism, and about allegations of racism.” “I sacrificed an animal to the god of the wilderness…Yes, I drank the goat’s blood.” Ultimately, [...]