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Palestinians Demand UK Apology For Balfour Declaration

Palestinians are demanding the UK issue a formal apology and take responsibility for its colonial legacy in Palestine. A campaign to hold the UK responsible for the suffering of Palestinians for almost a century is gaining momentum with the launch of a new parliamentary petition. The state of Israel was created after colonial Britain obliged a Jewish lobby demand for the existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East. The British reasoning might have had something to do with culture and religion or the politics of the time between Germans, British, Ottoman Turks and Arabs. Or it might have been just a simple Rothschild conspiracy dating back a century that was successfully executed. The Palestinians have had enough and are paying the price for their forefather’s shame of getting stabbed in the back after helping the British kick out the Turks from the area. Palestinian activists are now calling for an apology from the UK government for the 1917 Balfour Declaration letter which gave formal British approval for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. reports: Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Jenny Tonge hosted the launch at the House of Lords last Tuesday, where the plight of the [...]

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