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Redneck NRA Musician Tells Iran’s Ayatollahs To Pray

A member of the National Rifle Association of America has made a chilling video calling out the Ayatollahs in Iran. In the video a cowboy country singer and NRA representative warns the Iranian spiritual leaders to pray to god that they never have to face the great redneck Satan. The NRA has published a number of videos making statements against the liberal elites, Hollywood celebrities and feckless politicians accusing them of wanting to take away their rights to bear Arms and defend the land of the free. They have now turned their attention oversees, to the Ayatollahs in Iran, warning them that they pack weapons and are willing to defend freedom. The Washington Post reports: It’s a particularly spectacular entry featuring a gray-bearded man in a wide-brimmed hat telling the “ayatollahs of Iran” to “listen up.” Here’s the opening conceit: “You might have met our fresh-faced flower child president and his weak-kneed, Ivy League friends. But you haven’t met America.” The narrator, your weak-kneed Ivy League blogger discovered through Google, is Charlie Daniels, a popular country musician who sure is good at spinning some folksy yarns. He goes on to tell Iran what “America” really is: You haven’t met the heartland, or the people who will defend this nation [...]