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Saudis Intercept Ballistic Missile Fired From Yemen

It's deja vu all over again in Saudi Arabia. Al Arabiya reports that a ballistic missile from Yemen has been intercepted on Thursday by Saudi air defense forces in southern city of Khamis Mushait in the south western province of Assir.

The missile attack is the second this month since the November 4 missile intercepted near King khalid International Airport in Riyadh.

Notably, Huthi TV is claiming that the missile "hit the target"...

Huthi rebels fired a ballistic missile today that hit a military target in Saudi Arabia, rebel media in Yemen said, after the leader of the group threatened Riyadh with retaliation over a blockade.


"We confirm the success of our ballistic missile trial, which hit its military target inside Saudi Arabia," the Huthi-run Al-Masira television channel said.


Earlier, rebel chief Abdulmalik al-Huthi warned against "prolonging the blockade" imposed on Yemen following a November 4 Huthi missile attack that was intercepted near Riyadh international airport.

The Arab League in November 19 cited that since the beginning of the conflict in Yemen 78 ballistic missiles have been fired towards Saudi Arabia from Yemen.